I saw this vid, and it looks kinda shafty, as it really only goes in 2 directions, but has a 2 foot or so slide in the other 2 directions. At one point you see him turn and go in one direction but stop and turn quickly because it hit the end. Although a neat idea – it just needs some tweaking.. Omni-directional Fork Lift though.. Now thats cool. http://video.google.com/videop.....;plindex=0
I saw this vid, and it looks kinda shafty, as it really only goes in 2 directions, but has a 2 foot or so slide in the other 2 directions. At one point you see him turn and go in one direction but stop and turn quickly because it hit the end. Although a neat idea – it just needs some tweaking.. Omni-directional Fork Lift though.. Now thats cool. http://video.google.com/videop.....;plindex=0