Behind The Scenes Of An E-Commercer Start-Up

Setting up an e-business is a heck of a lot easier than a traditional brick and mortar store. Customers are now accustomed to buying things online and the online world requires much less capital, and therefore much less risk, to get started. Online web magazine Vitamin had a feature story about following a small outdoor clothing startup as it tweaked it’s store front in hopes of converting more visitors into sales.

The beauty of online stores is they can offer a wide range of products that are easy to search for and compare. Offering as many options to sort through the potential offerings is just as vital as the amount of goods you have available. The online start up found it was imperative to offer navigation by brand as customers were drawn more to brand names than categories of goods. They also started out with a design that focused too much on up selling instead of displaying the available merchandise.

Webtogs Online Store Front

If you’re planning to set-up your own little online shop, this article will give you insight into some of the pitfalls that could arise while developing your online store front.

One Response to “ Behind The Scenes Of An E-Commercer Start-Up ”

  1. Keep up the good posts. I’m a big fan.

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