Fudge Covered Ritz Crackers

Kristina was in Virginia with her parents all day and brought home a box of fudge covered Ritz crackers. They are real thin and crispy with a taste like wafers. Interesting.
Kristina was in Virginia with her parents all day and brought home a box of fudge covered Ritz crackers. They are real thin and crispy with a taste like wafers. Interesting.
I really wanted to like the Fudge Covered Ritz Crackers, but I didn’t. Even my five, seven, and eight year old boys didn’t like them. Disappointing. The chocolate seemed really waxy and flavorless.
We thought these crackers were absolutely amazing!!! They were great!The combination of salt and fudge were phenomenal!! My husband bought them at our market the other day. He just watched me as I emptied the grocery bags because he wanted to see my reaction when I saw them. I just looked at them and said “oh, get me a corner so I can just sit and enjoy these all at once!!!”.
Thank you so much for the new combination or tastes. The best one since Reese’s (“you got your fudge in my Ritz crackers, and wow am I glad!!!”).
hi! i was wondering where you bought these fab crackers! post a comment saying where to get em…thx!
I got them at a Giant Grocery store here in Silver Spring, Maryland, some months ago.
that does not really help but thx anyway…..do you know where you got them before?
Hi, I just asked my Hubby where he got them. We live in Havelock, NC. He said he’s pretty sure he got them at “Food Lion”. He said he thinks they were just a “Christmas item” though. Thanks for reminding me of them. We haven’t had them in a while, (probably since Christmas!). We’ll be looking for them more now, though since you reminded us!If we get any more info we’ll be sure to let you know.
Hi, I just asked my Hubby where he got them. We live in Havelock, NC. He said he’s pretty sure he got them at “Food Lion”. He said he thinks they were just a “Christmas item” though. Thanks for reminding me of them. We haven’t had them in a while, (probably since Christmas!). We’ll be looking for them more now, though since you reminded us!If we get any more info we’ll be sure to let you know. Ha!! I was just looking on another site and saw the word “Wal-Mart” on there, he may have gotten them there. But the words “limited edition” were also on there. Hopefully we’ll find them!
This is ridiculous. I typed a lengthy comment about how good these cookies were and when I submitted it, I received an error for an invalid “email address.” If you had asked for an email address, I would have put one in but you didn’t so I didn’t. I did wonder why you wanted my “Mail” as everyone uses email in 2010. So now, instead of a gold star, you get a tin one.
I’m sorry for the confusion and unclear comment form on my site. I’m working on a redesign of it in the future, and this will certainly be one area I address.
I really liked the fudge covered ritz crackers. I hope you bring them back to
stay on the market
I’ll try my best except I have nothing to do with Ritz. My advice would be to stock up.
who is Russell Heimlich anyways?
Hi, I’m Russell Heimlich and this is my personal blog. I’m the most famous blogger on the Internet that you’ve never heard of. By the by, here is the Ritz cracker website, but the fudge covered Ritz crackers aren’t listed there. http://www.nabiscoworld.com/ritz/
Unbelievable! We put them in the Christmas stockings and on Christmas night, ate all three boxes with a jar of peanut butter. Please bring them back!
How can I get more ???????????????
My husband and I loved the fudge covered Ritzs. Will they be back on the market soon?
I LOVE THEM!!! Please bring them back>
hi….where do you pruchase these crackers? If you don’t know then what is the ritz cracker’s official website called? PLEASE HELP ME…anyone…ASAP! reply back saying where to get em’ and the website! please and thanks!
Russell, can you buy me a box of these?
I just purchased the ritz chocolate covered crackers at the Krogers store in Cols Ohio
today 11/27/10 it says for limited time only theres a phone number on the box it says please visit ritzcrackers.com or call weekdays @ 1-800-622-4726 please have box available (upc code on this box is 4400002389 hope this helps
I think these crackers with fudge are the greatest idea. On problem was that it was a limited edition box and I have not been able to find them again in any of the markets where I live in Norwood , Massachusetts. They should really be distributed all over this country, they are that great. Hopefully Kraft foods will read all these great reviews and think about putting them on the market as a regular product! I will certain stock up if I can ever find them again somewhere.
January 30th, 2011
PLEASE, make the Fudge Covered Ritz Crackers all year long, I love them, they are a little bit chocolatey and alot of flavor, put peanut butter on them and OMG!!! awesome.. Best snack ever.
I have been looking all over for those fudge covered ritz crackers. I love them my son and i would really like to see you bring those crackers back.
I’ll try my best, though I’m just a regular guy.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Fudge Ritz Crackers I want more !looking all over for them;Please bring them back even having my daughter looking for them out of state
[…] Fudge Covered Ritz Crackers […]
I try your Fudge covered ritz thay are great please bring them to Elpaso texas.