Posts tagged 'Mobile Post'

Cat Does Not Want Me To Work


I guess doing any kind of “real” blogging is out of the question now that old bossman Puck the cat is on the job. He must really like my company since when I got home at 6:15pm the two other roomies were asleep! Looks like Puck is sneaking in a cat nap, so I can try sneaking in a bit of work.

The Stage At Faces Fashion Show


An empty run way just before a dozen asian models will be strutting their stuff down it. I’ve got a good seat and will post the results of my first foray into fashion.



Walking to work on this chilly November morning.

Sauna Suits Replace Trash Bags


Saw this interesting product at Target the other night. Apparently trash bags just won’t do anymore for crash body water reduction. Their marketing angle, “Keeps muscles warm while exercising.” Ha! All for $10.99. By contrast a pack of 80 Target-brand trash bags goes for $5.29.

Something Important Going On


Walking past Washington Harbor and there are cops everywhere. The black limo in the back there had a seal on the side. Could have been the President checking out the latest Starbucks to open up. Not so unusual when you work in DC.

Halloween Is For The Dogs


Someone dressed their dog up in a skunk costume. Trick or treat.

Creepy Pumpkin Cake



A coworkers creation for the web department’s potluck today. I can’t wait until 12:30pm so we can chow down on this stuff.

Layers Of Leaves


A variety of leaves backed up in the C&O canal. Fall is here even though it still feels warm.

Another Sunday Morning Practice


Taking more football pictures. Trying to employ all of the tips I read about over the past two weeks. I’ll post the photos on Facebook later.

King Street Metro Station


Waiting for a train after the Refresh DC meetup. Had an awesome time catching up with friends.