
This search engine optimization company has a slick website with a royal blue and white theme. The main category navigation has an interesting roll-over effect where the icons not selected become grayed out. A reader can maximize the reading room by hiding the nav area which slides shut thanks to the animation prowess of the library.

The only thing I would change would change about would be the color of the type. Blue on blue provides a low contrast and to aide readability I would pick something lighter.

Smooth icons with a soft glow as well as the eye-catching color choice make this a site I’ll keep track of for times when I need some inspiration. Screenshot

3 Responses to “ Inspiration: ”

  1. Scriptalicious (too lazy to type it properly) is da bomb. That site has a nice design too, good find. Gonna show this to my visual design students.

  2. This is a nice site layout. I’ve been wanting a new theme, I worked on taking the Kubrick default wordpress theme and turning it black, it ended up tooo…. black. I think I need some darker colors. I do like their use of blues in this. I wish I had design skillz 😀

  3. Icons taken from free pack – Crystal

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