PS3 Promotional Cake



Sony sent our office a birthday cake celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the PS3. The picture is one of those sugar print outs. The cake tastes a bit sour kind of like the price of this outrageous gaming machine. Unfortunately they didn’t send an actual PS3 to sway my opinion. Nuts.

13 Responses to “ PS3 Promotional Cake ”

  1. Dude, Sony sends you a free cake and you use it as an opportunity to rip on them? Talk about sad. Oh, and BTW, check the news the price has dropped, and (if you were to buy all the parts and pieces to make the 360 comparible) the 360 would actually be more expensive.

  2. Dude, the price has dropped. They sent a cake, do you really need to use that as an excuse to give them more flak? Heck, I’d rather be sent a cake than most of the promotional junk companies send me.

  3. soo… the cake IS NOT a lie. interesting.

  4. Wooow, via Digg I came at this crap blog type website… Too bad my 360 RROD all day…

  5. […] cake waiting on his Colorado doorstep, being picked at by cold crows as he sunbathes in Australia. PS3 Promotional Cake […]

  6. Russel, you have no class.

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  8. what a dick, sony sends you a cake and you bitch about it?

  9. Yeah they dropped the price but at the cost of backwards compatibility

  10. My Xbox 360 just broke for the 3rd time in last 5 months, how does the reliability of the PS3 compare?

  11. My Xbox 360 broke in… never. How does the lameness of the PS3 compare?

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  13. Nuts is what you are for blasting Sony after they sent your office a birthday cake celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the PS3. I am sure your never getting a real PS3 now. Santa too will be putting you on the naughty list I bet.

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