The Towson Filipino Festival

Unlike the rain-soaked DC Filipino Festival that took place last weekend, the Towson Filipino Festival was bright and sunny. Because of the weather the turnout was far greater than the DC one which provided a lot of great opportunities for photos.

FCA Dance
My girlfriend and the University of Maryland Filipino Cultural Association performing a dance.

filipino girl
A tiny Filipino girl in authentic Filipino wear.

Filipino Food

Lots of Filipino food around.

youth performance
The youth even get in on performing.

Filipino Festival street scene

Street scene from the festival.

Filipino Festival large crowd
Such a large turn out.

While still a small festival, the Towson Filipino Festival was a lot of fun. We were there for only a short amount of time but look forward to going again next year.

See more pictures from the festival.

Photo Info
Camera: Canon Digital Rebel
Lenses: 70-300mm Sigma & 50mm Canon
All shots hand held.

6 Responses to “ The Towson Filipino Festival ”

  1. Thank you for posting these wonderful photos. I believe you captured the spirit and moods of the crowd very well.

  2. I like this photo: the American guy in a green Real Pizza apron, grilling Filipino-style barbecue. Wow! What a multi-cultural blend!

    I am actually looking for yesterday’s pictures. Hope you’ll post it soon.

  3. Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend this years Towson Filipino festival so you will see no pictures from me. Your best bet would be to search Flickr!.

  4. my family and i just moved from california and was just wondering when is the festival

  5. my family and i just moved from california and just wondering when’s the festival

  6. I couldn’t find anything about this year’s event but you could try contacting people from this site which organizes the event.

    It’s official title is Fiesta Filipiniana.

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