A Halloween Fit For A King

The roomies and I decided to throw a Halloween bash this year after carving our pumpkins. As hosts of the shin dig we knew we had to have the most elaborate costumes. Kristina spent all week sewing our King and Queen of Hearts costumes out of old clothes and fabric from the thrift store. You can read more about how she brought everything together at RussellandKristina.com but the results speak for themselves.

Russell and Kristina as the King and Queen of Hearts

Our roommates dressed up as a cop and a Mexican. Their costumes provided lots of laughs.

Jaime and Josh as a Cop and a Mexican

Our friend Pammy and Chris took the laid-back approach going as McCain and Palin via the Chicago Tribune campaign 2008 masks.

McCain and Palin Paper Masks

But by far the most interesting costume of the night went to Matt and Toni. At first we thought they were a yellow tear drop and a bear but later we realized they were pee and poop.

Pee and Poop Costume

We didn’t get any trick-or-treaters but we still had a great time hanging out, eating lots of candy, and playing a rousing game of Apples to Apples.

2 Responses to “ A Halloween Fit For A King ”

  1. LOL! That was a fun night… i look tan in this pic!

  2. Yea, being tan totally breaks character. There’s no sun in Alaska.

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