Another 15 minute workout and 214.2 pounds

Today’s workout was a little easier. Unfortunately I won’t have another chance to exercise until at least Sunday night. Hopefully I can get back in the swing of things next week.

It seems the results of my small bursts of exercise aren’t reflecting on the scale. I seem to be gaining weight as I exercise though this trend seems normal during the week according to my SkinnyR graph:

One Response to “ Another 15 minute workout and 214.2 pounds ”

  1. Congratulations on realizing your body is falling apart (coming together?)!! Here are some ideas to supplement your exercise program: 1) get off the metro one stop sooner than you do now and walk farther. 2) walk to that stop at the end of the day. 3) use the stairs or walk up the escalator at your metro stops. 4) get a life (a physical life, that is) on the weekend. 5) go to no fat/lo fat versions of foods you eat (skim milk–hey, it’s a habit), lite margarine, lo fat cheese, etc.

    Staying fit is a lot of work, but not as much work as being fat.

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