Chocolate Chip Cookies, a Moon Bounce, and Rain

This weekend was full of good parties and fun. On Saturday, June 2nd, I went to the graduation party of my long-time childhood friend Pammy Smith. She offered hot dogs and hamburgers as well as a decadent dessert tray. I must have had about 10 homemade chocolate chip cookies which were my down fall of the entire weekend. There was also a volleyball net and, get this, she rented a moon bounce!

Moon bounces are a lot harder as an adult then when you were a kid. For one thing, I quickly found my self out of breath and jumping around seemed a lot harder than it used to be. Part of this may be due to my lack of physical activity in recent years but also the general rule of thumb that little kids have more energy than adults. Besides my reality-check with moon bounces I learned how much fun volleyball is. I can’t wait to play it on the beach in Ocean City this coming July.

After Pammy’s party, Kristina and I made our way to her roommate’s 20th Birthday party. There was no moon bounce at this one but there was karaoke. I’m not much of a singer so I just watched others make fools out of themselves though Kristina’s roommate is quite a good singer.

Sunday I spent most of the morning and afternoon standing in the rain at the Washington, D.C., Philippines Festival in support of the Filipino Cultural Association of University of Maryland, College Park. Kristina was part of a group who performed a dance on stage as well as taking part in a parade. I was hoping to take pictures but it was just too soggy and wet out for me to risk my precious camera. Coming home soaking wet wasn’t in vain as the event was for a good cause, so it was well worth the soggy jeans and damp poncho.

One Response to “ Chocolate Chip Cookies, a Moon Bounce, and Rain ”

  1. i’m thinking i should fix my website so people won’t be sad when they click that link… oh well, for another day

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