My Favorite WordPress Plugins – Article Tools

I have covered information related plugins and the utmost most important plugins so far. Today I am going to talk about tools that are helpful during the writing process of blogging.

Blog Article Tools

Similar Posts – The ability to relate blog posts to one another is vital in recycling old content that is otherwise sitting there being ignored. This plugin indexes words in your post when you publish it to match it to other blog articles. There are lots of options to tweak in order to get the relevancy right where you want it. There is even the ability to edit the similar keywords on a per post basis for even more fine tuning. Screenshot »

Recent Posts – This is similar to the similar posts above. In fact it was written by the same guy, Rob Marsh. This plugin is self explanatory as it lists the most recent posts wherever you want in your template using <?php similar_posts(); ?>. The beauty of this and the similar posts plugin is they are both cacheable meaning less load on your database. Screenshot »

Postie – You might remember my how-to post about getting Postie setup on WordPress. The ability to post from my mobile phone has been a lot of fun and makes good use of the 400 picture message bundle I pay for every month. It is pretty simple to get going and the ability to post from anywhere I have cell phone coverage is quite a profound idea. Screenshot »

WP-FLV – Posting video on your blog can be daunting if you don’t go through a site like YouTube. Even then, WordPress’ visual editor makes a mess of the embed code. To handle with all the messy details of embedding flash video in my posts I use the FLV plugin. It adds a button to my editing tool bar that wraps a link to an FLV in <flv> tags that get processed later when I publish. The video shows up in a basic flash player and I am good to go. Screenshot »

WP-Amazon – Have you ever needed to link to something on but didn’t feel like opening up another tab and running a search? WP-Amazon lets me do all of that right within my Write Post interface. The little Amazon button reveals a search sidebar that lets me find anything in any category on the whole site. The real use for this is you can drag the link straight into your post and it will automatically insert your affiliate ID to the link so if anyone buys anything after clicking on your link, you will get a cut. Screenshot »

For the fourth and final installment of this series, I will cover syndication plugins that I employ on my blog.

2 Responses to “ My Favorite WordPress Plugins – Article Tools ”

  1. […] post in this series of My Favorite WordPress Plugins. If you missed the important, information, or article tool ones, check them out. And now on with the best tools for keeping your readers looped […]

  2. If you’ll pardon my shameless self-promotion, you might also want to pick up the In Series plugin. Clearly, you write posts that have a serial relation to one another — this plugin will link them together so that readers can move back and forth between the posts without having to think to hard about it. It also takes the load off of you, so you don’t have to worry about making sure all the back- and forward-links are set up properly — just add the new post to the series, and go.

    Give it a try, I’m sure you’ll like it. 🙂

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