Sushi Photo Shoot

Over the weekend I helped my girlfriend shoot photos of sushi and wine for a design project. This has been the first time I have taken photos in a good couple of months and it felt great to fire off 270+ pics. This was also my first attempt at food photography. Here are some of the highlights:

Sushi Crumb

Sushi Wide

Two Bottles of Wine


Do these make your mouth water? Feedback is always appreciated.

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2 Responses to “ Sushi Photo Shoot ”

  1. (Um, it’s “sushi.”) I like the narrow depth of field on the first one very much; it’s really hard to make real food look like real appetizing food in photos, so kudos.

    Also, you may enjoy this.

  2. Great shots.. I know I said this somewhere, facebook probably. Maybe tweak the white balance a bit more towards 3000K (in that direction at least). Other than that, they are great with the DOF and make me want to run out and grab some spicy tuna, or an eel roll! I haven’t done much with food shots.. I need to do more. I had to shoot a plate of food for a paper pub, but other than that, been meaning to get around to it.

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