For the past month I have been tracking my weight with help from SkinnyR. Ever since my 22nd birthday I have been unhappy with how round my tummy has been and immediately set out to get my weight under control. I realize that I am now at a point in my life where I simply can’t eat anything I want and my lack of exercise isn’t helping my situation. I have been playing Wii Sports a little bit which has gotten my butt off the couch but I needed something else to help me get a good cardio workout in.
That is why I picked up this lovely beast…

The Voit Pro Series 5000! Now I can keep active while watching some TV. I hope to do 15-25 minutes a night and the best part is this exercise bike only cost me $7.42!
Thrift stores can be the source of some good deals and because today was Memorial Day, Value Village marked everything 50% off. The bike was originally $14.14, a modest deal if you ask me. But at the counter to my surprise the bike came out to $7.42 after tax. Now I won’t feel that bad if I decide an exercise bike isn’t right for me or if this exercise bike is really doing the trick I might step up and put down the money for a good quality bike. I’m hoping for the latter but we will just wait and see what happens.
How did I think to go to the thrift store? Simple. Six months ago I was trying to get rid of an old strength training machine and thought it would be good to give away to Good Will. I drove up to the donation lot and they refused to take it because they already had too much exercise equipment. Makes sense to me since a lot of people buy a crap-load of new fangled devices they see on TV only to rapidly lose interest after starting.
P .S. They also had an Ab Doer Extreme (pictured below) that looked brand new. I didn’t see the price but I guarantee you it was less than $80 that it is going for online. You just never know what you might find at a second hand shop.