Posts tagged 'Random Musings'

Joe Pesci with His Head On Fire


French Rocket Test


Are you dead?

Because if you don’t find this funny, you must be dead!

How I Deal with Junk Mail

It is bad enough when you receive e-mail you didn’t ask for, it is even worse when companies are willing to pay the postage in order for you to get their solicitations. I was sick of getting the same junk day after day, so I came up with this simple 4 step plan…


  1. Make sure it is junk mail. You will have to open the envelope in order to continue. Besides you would really feel like an ass if you overlooked the obvious.
  2. Layout all of the mail and cross-out any personal information. Hopefully you would do this anyway if you were just going to toss it. If the company really wanted to get back to you I’m sure they could find your address in their huge database.
  3. Look for the pre-paid envelope and stuff as much of their junk back into it. Bonus points for getting the envelope they sent all this crap in stuffed in their. Let them deal with their trash on their dime.
  4. Put it back in the mail and send it to back to them!


If you have a bunch of junk mail on your hands then mix ‘n match! I’m sure they would love to see the materials their competitors are sending around. Hopefully these companies will realize it is too costly to keep sending junk mail to you and will drop you from their list.

For a quicker route to reduce your junk mail load you might consider visiting these sites:

Chocolate Chip Cookies, a Moon Bounce, and Rain

This weekend was full of good parties and fun. On Saturday, June 2nd, I went to the graduation party of my long-time childhood friend Pammy Smith. She offered hot dogs and hamburgers as well as a decadent dessert tray. I must have had about 10 homemade chocolate chip cookies which were my down fall of the entire weekend. There was also a volleyball net and, get this, she rented a moon bounce!

Moon bounces are a lot harder as an adult then when you were a kid. For one thing, I quickly found my self out of breath and jumping around seemed a lot harder than it used to be. Part of this may be due to my lack of physical activity in recent years but also the general rule of thumb that little kids have more energy than adults. Besides my reality-check with moon bounces I learned how much fun volleyball is. I can’t wait to play it on the beach in Ocean City this coming July.

After Pammy’s party, Kristina and I made our way to her roommate’s 20th Birthday party. There was no moon bounce at this one but there was karaoke. I’m not much of a singer so I just watched others make fools out of themselves though Kristina’s roommate is quite a good singer.

Sunday I spent most of the morning and afternoon standing in the rain at the Washington, D.C., Philippines Festival in support of the Filipino Cultural Association of University of Maryland, College Park. Kristina was part of a group who performed a dance on stage as well as taking part in a parade. I was hoping to take pictures but it was just too soggy and wet out for me to risk my precious camera. Coming home soaking wet wasn’t in vain as the event was for a good cause, so it was well worth the soggy jeans and damp poncho.

Fancy Diamond Zip-up

Veer Diamond Jacket

Veer Diamond Jacket - Detail

Veer has introduced a zip-up fleece jacket with their falling diamond pattern on the back. I love the desktop wallpaper version but $70!?! Plus it is brown, bleh. Why can’t they offer different colors?

Fancy Diamonds Desktop Wallpaper

A blog post I wrote becomes assigned reading?

Him: hey, my class had to read an article you wrote
Him: it was a blog about typography you did
Me: a blog about typography?
Him: yeah
Him: dvguru was the website
Me: o gotcha
Me: do you have the url?
Him: let me get it
Him: Fonts and resources to spruce up your film or DVD

Wow, I’m flattered. Who ever thought something I wrote would become required reading? All I can say is the good folks in the interactive multimedia program at Ohio University sure have a good taste in material.

Thanks Brett Phillips!

The First One…

Here I am starting my own personal blog. I have spent a good chunk of today figuring out how WordPress works and constructing a theme to match my portfolio site

My goal with this blog is to maintain a semi-frequent schedule of posting. At the bare minimum I hope to write 2 posts per week. Hopefully you are reading this page after discovering and reading through the hundreds of my other posts. I’m being a little forward thinking here, but it all starts with the first post.