Posts tagged 'Video'

Have A Blog? Take Action!

Blog Action Day - October 15th

October 15th is Blog Action Day where bloggers across the globe will focus on one specific topic – the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. This is all in hopes that the focused mass commotion will start the ball rolling towards a better environment for the future.

How do you participate? Simple. Just register your blog at and write up an entry about the environment on October 15th. If you want to do more you can donate your blog’s earnings for that day or promote the event with their banners. Check out everyone that is participating and I hope that you add your blog to the list.

How To Draw Thom Yorke In 7 Minutes

Ok so it is really a time lapse crunched down to 7 minutes but you still get the gist. Looks like this photo realistic sketch of the Radiohead front man is all done in Photoshop and some of the brush work is amazing. Hopefully it will inspire some of the artists who follow my blog.

See more speed paintings at Nexx’s YouTube profile.

Painting Will Never Be The Same…

Parody video discussing the design decisions that went into the revolutionary MS Paint application that we have all grown to love.

An Omni-Directional Treadmill

It’s like a full body mouse.

There’s A Version Of Thriller For India Too!

Personally, i like the Indian version much better!

Roundup Of Funny Cat Videos

Why? Because it is Friday and we all could use a good laugh.

Cat Fighting A Blow Dryer

A Cat Spa Machine

Drunk Kitty

Sleepy Kitty Making Biscuts

Spinning Cat

Why I Am Special According to Kevin Rose

I am part of the very select few (web designers/developers). That is why I get paid the big bucks!

This Is What The Internet Used To Look Like

Bland pages with sporadic imagery was the norm for this “global, electronic mall that is underconstruction.” Those were the days.

The Log Driver Waltz

For he goes birling down a-down the white water That’s where the log driver learns to step lightly It’s birling down, a-down white water A log driver’s waltz pleases girls completely.

Apparently this is a nostalgic hit in Canada though from the chorus above, it sounds like it was a rough Japanese translation.

New Internet Mini-series: The West Side

Former DV Guru blogger Ryan Bilsborrow-Koo let me in on his new side project The West Side. Set in a unique, alternate universe, it melds together elements of two disparate film genres: the grit of an urban setting with the tradition of the American Western.

The West Side

After watching the single episode on the site I left astounded. The black and white treatment fits the tone of the story perfectly although technically there is some distracting digital noise in some dark scenes. That’s alright because the story definitely piques my interest as we follow Qasim, played by Damian Washington, as he introduces us to the desolate urban city in search of a drink. The episode felt a tad sluggish but at the end I wanted more. Hopefully The West Side can deliver episodes consistently as it builds its audience on the open frontier of the Internet.

Watch Episode 1 of The West Side.