This Post Brought To You By Mahalo

Me Whorring Out Mahalo

The human-powered search engine, Mahalo, sent me a goodie bag with a beach towel, a tote bag, and a hat. Clearly hats are not my thing.

If you are part of a company giving out free swag get in touch.

11 Responses to “ This Post Brought To You By Mahalo ”

  1. All I got was a hat 🙁
    Still, came in handy during my annual “Victor plays golf at the beach” family match.

  2. I was hoping for a snazzy mug but beggars can’t be choosers I guess.

  3. Vic, why complain when you actually get something, i didnt get any free swag and I’m not complaining, btw that is some awesome beach gear you got there Russ.

  4. How’d you get the beach towel? That’s sweet!!

  5. Luck of the draw I guess.

  6. Maybe it’s just me but It’s like 100degrees in jersey for like three days now I need free swag!!!

  7. Yeah but what draw? What did you do to be considered?

  8. Jason sent out a Tweet saying the first 50 people to e-mail their address would get a Mahalo prize pack. I think they were all gone 5 minutes later because he has such a ravenous following. You gotta keep your eyes peeled for this stuff.

  9. I think that you got a hat not a hate. 🙂 Mahalo!

  10. Good catch! I fixed it now. Thanks Randy.

  11. Hey that beach towel you got is some awesome Mahalo swag, way to go dude.

    That’s a good way to get free advertising for a website, give away cool stuff with the name on it.


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