Two Flickr Photographers To Watch

Thanks to the Flickr Interestingness widget on my Netvibes page, I stumbled across two Flickr members with gorgeous work.

First up is Sakura who does a lot of floral macro work. What really makes her photos stand out is the bright, vibrant colors that are usually blurred into the background. She sells prints of her photos at Imagekind.

Lady Bug on Flower

Red flower on blue background

Spring Sprung


Time To Go Home

Ajisai Blue

Next I stumbled upon JayJuice who drew me in with her pictures of minimalistic urban landscapes. I love how she can find beauty in an everyday scene. Prints from JayJuice are available at Red Bubble.

Yellow Squares, Black Light

Silver Light, Blue Wall


Grungey Wall

Industrial Wall with Wires

Yellow Railing, Gray Wall

If you are looking for photographic inspiration, take a look at the rest of the galleries these two offer on Flickr.

3 Responses to “ Two Flickr Photographers To Watch ”

  1. Thanks for featuring my work and for your kind words.
    Sakura has such beautiful photos.

  2. nice finds. looks as if we have similar taste in photography.

  3. Wow, great stuff – thanks for the tip.

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