Animals On The Appalachian Trail

Scientists from the Smithsonian Institution used motion sensitive cameras to capture the wildlife along the Appalachian Trail near Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. The goal of the project is to document animal traffic on the nearly 600 mile stretch of the 2,175 mile trail that runs from Georgia to Maine.

Curious deer caught in the flash

Most of the pictures were taken at night due to human traffic during the day. Animals depicted
vary between black bear, deer, coyotes, and even a rare Bobcat. It is awesome to see local wildlife captured in their natural settings along a trail I hiked as a kid.

See the Washington Post photo gallery, ‘Animals at Night‘ or read more about it.

(via Dad)

2 Responses to “ Animals On The Appalachian Trail ”

  1. hey my dad does this in the woods too so he can see what animals are up to. I’m not sure if its just night, it might also be daytime.

  2. It would be interesting to see some of the hiker photos these cameras got. I’m sure some of them would be hilarious.

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