How “Dugg” Are You?
Digg is the center of the universe for tech geeks like myself, which should come as no surprise that there is a Digg Test for determining your loyalty to the epicenter of the Internet. asks you various questions all about Digg and your digging habits. According to the test I am “sickly in love with Digg” ranking in the 93rd percentile compared to other quiz takers. It should be no surprsise since I signed up with the site back in July 2005.
At the end of the test you get a nifty button that you could post on your blog to help promote the test as well as strut your impressive web-nerd knowledge to the rest of the blogosphere. See…
LoL, although its a daily visit to the site, at least during the weekdays, I don’t know much about its start-up, as I’m relatively new to the site anyways. I scored a 51%, oh well.
OMG… was it really going to be a surprise what your score on that test would be?