March 10th = Day Of Awesomeness

International Day of Awesomeness Logo

Some days are just more awesome than others. Take March 10th, for example, which is the International Day of Awesomeness. Started by Kevin Lawver as an unserious conversation at work, International Day of Awesomeness was created to celebrate any feat of awesomeness. Whether it be programming an awesome website, writing a blog post about someone that epitomizes awesomeness, or just plain being your awesome self, International Day of Awesomeness can mean different things to everyone. For instance, Kevin Lawver plans on wearing a cape.

To top it off, March 10th is the birthday of Chuck Norris, the God of Awesomeness. So whether you consider yourself awesome or not, today is the day to leave your mark on the world. Have a happy International Day of Awesomeness and be sure to join the official group on Facebook!

Chuck Norris Splits Rock

3 Responses to “ March 10th = Day Of Awesomeness ”

  1. Actually, I changed my mind. Since I’ve always wanted to do it, but have never had the guts, I’m dying my hair blue tomorrow morning.

  2. Wow that does take guts and perfect for International Day of Awesomeness!

  3. chuck norris is gey and imature. he suckes. loser

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