Microsoft’s InkSeine Offers An Intuitive Tablet Interface

I was churning through my array of video podcasts this morning on my commute when I came across this 3 minute demo of InkSeine which stopped me dead in my tracks. InkSeine is a prototype ink application designed from the ground up to completely rethink how people interact with tablet computers. Gone are the menus that run across the top and instead are replaced with contextual gestures that can appear anywhere on the screen. Take a look at the video to see what I mean.

Technology like this would be really useful on a touch-screen mobile device, say maybe like an iPhone? At any rate it is interesting to see new interactions with a computer minus the mouse and keyboard.

2 Responses to “ Microsoft’s InkSeine Offers An Intuitive Tablet Interface ”

  1. That is really cool, kinda confusing to tell what’s goin on with my sound off though, haha.

  2. You should totally watch it with the sound. The demonstrator makes some key points about using the pen-centric interface.

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