Posts tagged 'Random Musings'

Christopher Walken Building A Robot In His Garage

Lazy Sunday Afternoon by Brandon Bird features Christopher Walken building a humanoid robot in his garage, presumably on a Sunday afternoon.

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

I really like the quirkiness of Brandon’s paintings. Most of them feature celebrities in odd situations like The Anguish featuring Michael Landon in a stream holding a squid. Or one of my other favorites, No One Wants To Play SEGA with Harrison Ford, showing the popular action movie star holding a Sega Genesis looking on at two kids playing Nintendo, ignoring him.

NO One Wants to play Sega With Harrison Ford

Prints of the paintings are available in different sizes and in some cases the original is even for sale. Check out the rest of Brandon’s funny paintings.

Presents Opening Children

Presents Opening Children by Rob Sheridan

by Rob-Sheridan. A wallpaper version is also available. His painting titled Cereal Mascot Reunion is also worth a look.

How Not To Say Farewell

Kiss My Ass, Literally!

A friend sent this to me and it is just too funny not to post. Apparently it has been going around since 2002. A real gem of a farewell e-mail. Take a look:

Subject: Kiss my Ass Bitch

Well as you all know today is my last day at the firm. I am not going to keep anything a secret like this bull shit firm likes to do. I understand that it was a consensus from the managers and partners that my employment with PwC should cease to exist. So I want to take this time to let all of you know how I feel about you:

To the partners, you are some of the most arrogant, pompus, jack asses I have ever met in my entire life. You have no heart. Just like you fired Mike Bodiker, like you fired Bob Sokol, yet you kept your six figure salary, and they had families, mortgages, etc. You really have some serious mental issues. I am not going to go out like that and not get my word out. So if you see me in person don’t even speak to me. Because I will DEFINITELY tell you how I feel about you to your face. Dave Whitman, you are an arrogant, selfish, racist BITCH. You think you are the shit because you are a partner. You ain’t shit or your fat ass ugly wife. She looks like she came straight out of the trailer park. You can’t even match your clothes right you pussy. You need some help as well. Stan, you are just fake.. That’s all that I can say about you. Ya’ll ain’t shit. Try to use big words, talk intelligent, you are an ignorant basturd. So Dave Whitman, John Quinn, Stan, Mark, and whoever else can kiss my blk ass.. I never liked none of ya’ll. I don’t care what you think about me.

Debbie Johnson you are just a fake BITCH. You smile in people’s face and talk shit behind their back. You ain’t nothing but a scandalous fake ass bitch.. I hope they pay you enough money to be fake…. All you will ever be is an HR lady for PricewaterhouseCoopers. And you probably got your job by sleeping with one of the partners you scandalolus BITCH. You ain’t shit but a ho for all the partners to pimp!!!!

Greg muller you can kiss my ass too. If I see you out in the streets, I will tell you the same.. You ain’t shit.. Been working here for years and I bet you don’t have over $5000 in the bank.. You are fake as hell too.. I have NO respect for you at ALL. So once again, you can kiss my blk ass. And if you see me out, don’t speak.

Steve Panning, kiss my blk ass you non dressing ugly ass fake BITCH. You have no balls man. And you going to step to me like you were upset with me for changing my schedule. You can kiss my ass like the rest of them. If I see you in person, please don’t speak unless you want to get told off.

Maybe I can take you shopping so you can find some clothes that match!! ps.. get a face lift and maybe you can get a prettier girlfriend!

Now that I have got that out of the way. I want to say thank you to the people that did remain my friends throughout my short time here. Monica, you know I will never forget you. You have given me a lot of help personally and professionally. Lindsey, Brian Kerrigan, Sara Beeler, I have no problem with you guys at all. Nancy you are truly wonderful. I really wish you well with this company. I’m sorry you had to read all of this foul language and stuff but as you can see I am highly upset. You are one of the nicest, sweetest ladies I have ever met in my entire life.

June you know you are my girl. It is about time someone voiced their opinion and let these fake people know what’s really going on. You know I don’t give a damn…

Now I am going to say that I am not sorry to go, or sad to leave. I truly hated this place. Getting up to come to work every morning was the worst thing that I have ever had to do. I know a bunch of you guys feel that way too but are too afraid to say it. Believe me I am not worried about finding a job, I was making money before I came to PwC, and I am making money now. I will make money today. As a matter of fact, I am making money as we speak. So never sleep on the shy quit people. Because we are always up to something. Do you think I was really going to just sit around and take your little $40K salary and be satisfied. I am about making real money. And this shit at PwC is no real money. So John Quinn you can take your $40K salary and stick it up your stuck up asshole. You fat fake bitch… Maybe you need to see Jenny Craig so you can loose some weight you fat bastard.

So in closing once again I would like to tell Greg Muller, Steve Panning, Stan Kwiatkoski, Dave Whitman, and of course that BITCH Debbie Johnson to kiss my ass.. I can not stress enough how much ya’ll ain’;t shit… Will Bryan, oh yeah I forgot.. You fake scandalous basturd. You know you ain’t shit.. Driving a damn ford escort… I can tell you don’t have no money. Oh yeah, you are probably taking care of them babies.. well have a good life basturd.

Debbie Johnson I have to call you a BITCH one more time. There is no better word that fits you. LOL You definitely ain’t shit…. I will call you a BITCH to your face…

And Dave Whitman, I will end with you. You just another fake, non dressing, arrogant bitch. I don’t know why you arrogant. If you got so much money, how come you can’t get a prettier wife than that. Instead of some fat, ugly hag? I don’t understand it.

Well I am out. If any of my FRIENDS want to get in touch with me. Please call my cell phone at 402-0728..

Take Care and I wish you well. *sarcastically*

Super Mario Done In JavaScript And A Weird Flash Game

The guy behind the blog decided to partake in an exercise of game design using JavaScript. Choosing the classic Super Mario Brothers game, his proof of concept is considered a success. The whole thing weighs in at 14Kb and the entire game is contained in one JavaScript file.

“There are no external image files or anything, everything is rendered with Javascript using either canvas elements or old fashioned div-making tactics (for IE). The sprites are stored in custom encoded strings in a format that only allows 4 colors for each sprite but in turn only takes up around 40-60 bytes per sprite.”

Super Mario Done in JavaScript

Granted it is very brief and not entirely true to the original gameplay, it is still downright impressive that something like this can even be accomplished with a web-based scripting language.

If you are interested in seeing how the whole thing works, you can sneak a peek at the uncompressed code.

Keeping with the 8-bit video game theme of this post, is an odd Flash site. The style of the music and graphics is in homage to the 8-bit videogames of years past but there are no explicit directions about what to do. Instead you are left to fend for yourself exploring the site and uncovering the wacky consequences of your voyage. The whole thing is “CENTALLY MHALLENGED” to borrow from the sites page title.


Tip: on the main page hold the up arrow key and make sure you allow pop-ups for the site.

If anyone can figure out something interesting to do at let me know in the comments.

Have Your Baby And Eat It Too

The following may look like small little fairy babies but they are actually made of chocolate. A perfect treat to satisfy your cannibalistic cravings.

Chocolate Baby in Hand

Several Chocolate Babies


Man With Balloons In His Pants

Man with balloon in pants by Richard Hogg

by Richard Hogg. See more of his work here.

Who Needs A Movie Or Eye Catching Graphics?

Fred & Sharon from might have the time to help you with your next movie. Check out this convincing advert they put together:

And if you need some eye catching graphics take a look at Mark Chaffer’s work at

Oh brother, the Internet is full of weird people.

(via Dr. Tiki)

Bert And Ernie Rock Out

Who knew the duo could be so hardcore…

(via The Animation Show)

Mozilla Should Fix This Firefox Annoyance

This will be straight to the point. Firefox likes to alert me to new updates to my add-ons and extensions when available. Unfortunately it likes to do this when I start up my browser, stopping everything else it was doing until I click the ‘Continue’ button to proceed.

The Firefox add-on updater stops me dead in my tracks.

I like to launch Firefox and my other needed applications while doing something else that needs my attention. The thinking goes that when I return in front of the keyboard all of my tabs from the previous session will be open and ready to go. It’s frustrating to return to a screen staring blankly back at me waiting for me to click a button so it can continue. Once it is done updating it requires me to click a continue button yet again to continue the browser launching process while I stare dumbly back at it waiting to get to my websites.

The fix to this is simple. Since Firefox gives you an option to skip the updates it could have a count down timer of say 30 seconds before it will automatically skip the updates and continue running the browser. A good example of this is the updating mechanism in the anti-virus program AVG Free 7.5.

AVG’s OK Button with a countdown timer

A minor overlooked detail. Nothing to gripe about, I know. But I just like it when software works with me instead of against me. After all software is capable enough to figure out if it interrupts me and I ignore it’s pleas to work around me and do what i wanted it to do in the first place.

On a related note, the Firefox 3 beta 4 update that was released today is screaming. My 867Mhz PowerBook is a blazingly-fast web surfing machine again!

And The Point Of Safari For Windows Is…

The special Apple event announcing the iPhone SDK has come and gone. While lots of exciting developments were announced we are still clueless about the purpose of Safari for Windows.

On June 11th, 2007, Steve Jobs announced Safari will have the same features on Vista and XP as on Apple’s flagship OSX operating system. Apple’s official reason for the expansion was to increase the market share of the browser but the blogosphere hinted at something bigger up Steve’s sleeve.

Many thought the browser would become an integral component of developing applications for the iPhone. But as we saw last Thursday, that proved not to be the case. So what is the real point of moving Safari to Windows?

Now that Apple moved to the Intel platform porting applications to Windows requires a whole lot less work. And if Apple has compatible code for the PC platform it would be foolish not to put it out there to test new water with it’s niche web browser. It’s hard to fathom why anyone would choose Safari over Firefox, the massively popular open-source browser that includes a host of user created add-ons. In fact it is those add-ons that keep me tied to the Firefox browser, helping me do my job as a web developer. And most web surfers who aren’t savvy to the other browsers out there will be contempt with the default Internet Explorer. After all, Safari is a pruned down, no frills browser that is a hard sell on features alone. The performance and speed of Safari are certainly ahead of the competition but most people would hardly notice. Perhaps we should look at Apple’s core business as it relates to why they release the software that they do.

The Relationship Between Apple’s Software and Hardware

Everything that Apple does points back to their core business as a hardware company. Think about it, everything Apple does is to enhance the appeal of it’s hardware. They developed an operating system in order to sell more computers, the iTunes music store has sold billions of songs with only a slim profit in order to lure people to iPods, and the iPhone SDK will allow developers to make whatever applications they can imagine making the phone a more appealing device. If we connect the dots from the past, Safari needs to be a part of some kind of hardware project.

Now how does Safari for Windows fit into this type of plan? It’s not obvious at this time. But maybe come this June the answer will become clear as Apple continues to direct our attention to more shiny new devices with a premium price tag.